
easy to use REST style API allowing integration with other software and projects.



ampEducator gives developers access to a REST style API allowing them to access a large subset of it's features.

Before You Begin

In order to start using the API there are two things which need to be done. Both of them require administrator access to the ampEducator account.

  • You must enable the API under the institution config.
  • You must generate / copy the API key found under the institution config.
  • Keep this key secret and do not share it with anyone.

API Request

The API is accessed using an endpoint with data as parameters. The API Key can be passed as a parameter or as an HTTP header.

Authorization: Bearer {apiKey}
curl -X POST https://{purl}.ampeducator.com/api/{resource}/{action}
   -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 
   -d "apiKey={apiKey}{parameters}"
curl -X POST https://{purl}.ampeducator.com/api/{resource}/{action}
   -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {apiKey}" 
   -d "{parameters}"
  • purl is the unique identifier for the institution
  • resource identifies the section of the application
  • action identifies what is being requested
  • apiKey is the unique secret key for the institution
  • parameters are any additional pieces of data which are required for the action


As an alternative to posting data using parameters you can post a JSON object. To post JSON include the following headers and the JSON object as the body of your request.

Authorization: Bearer {apiKey}
Content-Type: application/json
curl -X POST https://{purl}.ampeducator.com/api/{resource}/{action}
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {apiKey}" 
   -d "{..JSON Object..}" 
  • purl is the unique identifier for the institution
  • resource identifies the section of the application
  • action identifies what is being requested
  • apiKey is the unique secret key for the institution

API Response

The application will always respond with a JSON object in the following form:

{"messages": "general": [String], 
             "warning": [String],
             "errors":  [String],
             "withErrors": boolean,
             "totalMessages": 1},
{"action": String},
{"query": Map},
{"body": String},
{"data": Object[]}
  • messages is an Object which will identify whether or not the requested action was successfull along with any response messages
  • action is a String identifying which action was requested
  • query is a Map (String key, String value) containing all the parsed query parameters
  • body is a String containing the contents of the request body
  • data contains an array of objects returned by the application

Notes & Tips

  • Each API call indicates the required GET or POST method. Use the appropriate method to avoid errors.
  • The API will return a maximum of 100 objects per request.
  • The easiest way to debug and to make sure a call is working is by posting the link in your browser. For example, try posting the following in your browser replacing the {purl} and {apiKey} with values specific to your institution. You should immediately see the results from ampEducator.


Add, update and manage academic sessions and intakes.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves academic sessions.
None AcademicSession [ ]
Retrieves program intakes for an academic session.
academicSessionID ProgramIntake [ ]

Academic Session

Field Format Notes / Values
academicSessionID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
sessionKey string
sessionName string
sessionStart yyyy-mm-dd
sessionEnd yyyy-mm-dd
registrationStart yyyy-mm-dd
registrationEnd yyyy-mm-dd
studentDistinctionGroupID int
notes string
defaultChoice boolean
status string 'Active','Completed'
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
programIntakeID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
academicSessionID int
programIntakeCode string
programIntake string
programIntakeDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedEndDate yyyy-mm-dd
deleted boolean


Add, update and manage student financial accounts..


Action Required Returns

Account Invoices

Retrieves account invoices.
None AccountInvoice [ ]
Add a new invoice for student.
AddAccountInvoiceForm AccountInvoice
Post an invoice.
PostAccountInvoiceForm AccountInvoice
Update invoice details.
EditAccountInvoiceForm AccountInvoice
Delete an invoice.
Retrieves account invoice line items.
None AccountInvoiceItem [ ]
Add a new invoice item for an invoice.
AddAccountInvoiceItemForm AccountInvoiceItem
Update an invoice item.
EditAccountInvoiceItemForm AccountInvoiceItem
Delete an invoice item.
Retrieves tax information for account invoice line items.
None AccountInvoiceItemTax [ ]

Account Charges

Retrieves account charges.
None AccountCharge [ ]
Add a new charge for a student.
AddAccountChargeForm AccountCharge
Update charge details.
EditAccountChargeForm AccountCharge
Delete charge.

Account Payments

Retrieves account payments.
None AccountPayment [ ]
Add a new payment from a student.
AddAccountPaymentForm AccountPayment[ ]
Update payment details.
EditAccountPaymentForm AccountPayment
Delete payment.

Account Adjustments

Retrieves account adjustments.
None AccountAdjustment [ ]
Add a new account adjustment for a student.
AddAccountAdjustmentForm AccountAdjustment[ ]
Update adjustment details.
EditAccountAdjustmentForm AccountAdjustment
Delete adjustment.

Account Funding

Retrieves account funding.
None AccountFunding [ ]
Add new account funding for a student.
AddAccountFundingForm AccountFunding[ ]
Update funding details.
EditAccountFundingForm AccountFunding
Delete funding.

Account Payment Plan

Retrieves account payment plan items.
None AccountPaymentPlanItem [ ]
Add new account payment plan item for a student.
AddAccountPaymentPlanItemForm AccountPaymentPlanItem
Update account payment plan item for a student.
EditAccountPaymentPlanItemForm AccountPaymentPlanItem
Delete payment plan item for a student.


Retrieves payment accounts.
None PaymentAccount [ ]
Retrieves revenue accounts.
None RevenueAccount [ ]
Retrieves sales discount accounts.
None SalesDiscountAccount [ ]
Retrieves tax accounts.
None TaxAccount [ ]
Retrieves funding sources.
None FundingSource [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
accountInvoiceID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
invoiceKey string
invoiceAssignedID string
studentID int
locationID int
locationMask long
invoiceStatus string 'Draft','Pending','Overdue','Paid','Deleted'
invoiceDate yyyy-mm-dd
invoiceDueDate yyyy-mm-dd
invoiceSubTotal double
invoiceTaxAmount double
invoiceTotalAmount double
invoicePaymentsAppliedAmount double
invoiceCreditsAppliedAmount double
invoiceBalance double
invoiceNotes string
posted boolean
postedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
postedByUserID int
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
accountInvoiceItemID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
accountInvoiceID int
locationID int
locationMask long
academicSessionID int
programID int
programCode string
courseID int
courseCode string
revenueAccountCode string
revenueAccountName string
itemDescription string
itemRate double
itemQuantity double
itemSubTotal double
itemTaxMask long
itemTaxDescription string
itemTaxAmount double
itemTotalAmount double
itemPaymentsAppliedAmount double
itemPaymentsAppliedTaxAmount double
itemPaymentsAppliedTotalAmount double
itemCreditsAppliedAmount double
itemCreditsAppliedTaxAmount double
itemCreditsAppliedTotalAmount double
itemBalance double
modified boolean
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
accountInvoiceItemTaxID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
accountInvoiceID int
accountInvoiceItemID int
taxAccount string
taxName string
taxRate double
taxAmount double
taxPaymentsAppliedAmount double
taxCreditsAppliedAmount long
taxBalance string
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
invoiceDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
invoiceDueDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
invoiceNotes string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountInvoiceID int Required.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountInvoiceID int Required.
invoiceDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
invoiceDueDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
invoiceNotes string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountInvoiceID int Required.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountInvoiceID int Required.
revenueAccountID int Required.
academicSessionID int (Optional) The session this invoice item should be associated with.
programID int (Optional) The program this invoice item should be associated with.
courseID int (Optional) The course this invoice item should be associated with.
itemDescription string Required.
itemRate double Required.
itemQuantity double Required.
taxMask long The summation of masks for any taxes being applied.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountInvoiceItemID int Required.
accountInvoiceID int Required.
revenueAccountID int Required.
academicSessionID int (Optional) The session this invoice item should be associated with.
programID int (Optional) The program this invoice item should be associated with.
courseID int (Optional) The course this invoice item should be associated with.
itemDescription string Required.
itemRate double Required.
itemQuantity double Required.
taxMask long The summation of masks for any taxes being applied.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountInvoiceItemID int Required.
accountInvoiceID int Required.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountChargeID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
chargeAssignedID string
studentID int
locationID int
locationMask long
academicSessionID int
programID int
programCode string
courseID int
courseCode string
chargeStatus string 'Pending','Overdue','Paid','Reversed','Deleted'
chargeDate yyyy-mm-dd
chargeDueDate yyyy-mm-dd
chargeDescription string
chargeAmount double
chargePaymentsAppliedAmount double
chargeCreditsAppliedAmount double
chargeBalance double
revenueAccountCode string
revenueAccountName string
chargeNote string
reversed boolean
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
revenueAccountID int Required.
academicSessionID int (Optional) The session this invoice item should be associated with.
programID int (Optional) The program this invoice item should be associated with.
courseID int (Optional) The course this invoice item should be associated with.
chargeDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
chargeDueDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
chargeDescription string Required.
chargeAmount double Required.
chargeNote string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountChargeID int Required.
revenueAccountIDChanged boolean
revenueAccountID int Required if revenueAccountIDChanged is 'true'.
academicSessionIDChanged boolean
academicSessionID int Required if academicSessionIDChanged is 'true'.
programIDChanged boolean
programID int Required if programIDChanged is 'true'.
courseIDChanged boolean
courseID int Required if courseIDChanged is 'true'.
chargeDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
chargeDueDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
chargeDescription string Required.
chargeAmount double Required.
chargeNote string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountChargeID int Required.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountPaymentID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
paymentKey string
paymentAssignedID string
studentID int
locationID int
locationMask long
applyToFunding boolean
fundingSourceCode string
fundingSourceName string
paymentStatus string 'Approved','Pending','Declined','Deleted'
paymentRefundStatus string 'None','Partial','Refunded'
paymentAccountCode string
paymentAccountName string
paymentDate yyyy-mm-dd
paymentDescription string
paymentAmount double
paymentRefundedAmount double
paymentRefundsAppliedAmount double
paymentAvailableAmount double
paymentApplied double
paymentBalance double
paymentAppliedToPlan double
paymentAppliedToPlanBalance double
paymentNotes string
onlinePayment boolean
creditCardHolder string
creditCardRef string
merchantTransactionID string
merchantResponseCode string
merchantResponseText string
merchantAuthorizationCode string
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
paymentAccountID int Required.
date yyyy-mm-dd Required.
description string
amount double Required.
fundingSourceID int
applyType string 'auto', 'selectInvoices', 'selectCharges'
accountInvoiceID int Required when applyType is 'selectInvoices'.
Repeat for multiple invoices.
accountChargeID int Required when applyType is 'selectCharges'.
Repeat for multiple charges.
applyToPaymentPlanType string 'auto', 'planItems', 'none'
accountPaymentPlanItemID int Required when applyToPaymentPlanType is 'planItems'.
Repeat for multiple payment plan items.
paymentNotes string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountPaymentID int Required.
updateApplyToFunding boolean
fundingSourceID int Required when updateApplyToFunding is 'true'.
paymentDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
paymentDescription string
paymentAmount double Required.
paymentNotes string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountPaymentID int Required.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountAdjustmentID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
adjustmentAssignedID string
studentID int
locationID int
locationMask long
revenueDebitFlag boolean
revenueCreditFlag boolean
adjustmentType string 'Credit','Debit','Refund'
adjustmentDate yyyy-mm-dd
adjustmentDescription string
adjustmentAmount double
adjustmentApplied double
adjustmentBalance double
adjustmentCreditAccountCode string
adjustmentCreditAccountName string
adjustmentDebitAccountCode string
adjustmentDebitAccountName string
adjustmentNote string
locked boolean
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
adjustmentDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
adjustmentDescription String
adjustmentAmount double Required.
adjustmentArType string 'debit', 'credit', 'refund'
adjustmentDebitAccountCode string Required when adjustmentArType is 'credit'.
adjustmentCreditAccountCode string Required when adjustmentArType is 'debit'.
adjustmentPaymentAccountCode string Required when adjustmentArType is 'refund'.
adjustmentApplyToCreditType string Required when adjustmentArType is 'credit'.
Options are 'noneCredit', 'selectInvoices', 'selectCharges'.
adjustmentApplyToInvoiceID int Required when adjustmentApplyToCreditType is 'selectInvoices'.
Repeat for multiple invoices.
adjustmentApplyToChargeID int Required when adjustmentApplyToCreditType is 'selectCharges'.
Repeat for multiple charges.
adjustmentApplyToRefundType string Required when adjustmentArType is 'refund'.
Options are 'nonePayments', 'selectPayments'.
adjustmentApplyToPaymentID int Required when adjustmentApplyToRefundType is 'selectPayments'.
Repeat for multiple payments.
adjustmentNote string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountAdjustmentID int Required.
adjustmentDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
adjustmentDescription String
adjustmentAmount double Required.
adjustmentNote string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountAdjustmentID int Required.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountFundingID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
adjustmentAssignedID string
studentID int
locationID int
locationMask long
fundingSourceCode string
fundingSourceName string
fundingStatus string 'Pending', 'Paid', 'Overdue', 'Deleted'
fundingDescription string
fundingDueDate yyyy-mm-dd
fundingAmount double
fundingAmountCollected double
fundingAmountBalance double
fundingNotes string
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
fundingSourceID int Required.
fundingDescription string Required.
fundingDueDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
fundingAmount double Required.
fundingNotes string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountFundingID int Required.
fundingDescription string Required.
fundingDueDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
fundingAmount double Required.
fundingNotes string


Field Format Notes / Values
accountFundingID int Required.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountPaymentPlanItemID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
adjustmentAssignedID string
studentID int
paymentStatus string 'Pending', 'Overdue', 'Paid'
paymentDescription string
paymentDueDate yyyy-mm-dd
paymentAmount double
paymentPaid double
paymentBalance double
autoPaymentFromSaved boolean
accountCreditCardID double


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
paymentDescription string Required.
paymentDueDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
paymentAmount double Required.
autoPaymentFromSaved boolean When true and a saved credit card exists,
payment will be taken from that card.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountPaymentPlanItemID int Required.
paymentDescription string Required.
paymentDueDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
paymentAmount double Required.


Field Format Notes / Values
accountPaymentPlanItemID int Required.


Field Format Notes / Values
paymentAccountID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
paymentAccountCode string
paymentAccountName string


Field Format Notes / Values
revenueAccountID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
accountCode string
accountName string
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
salesDiscountAccountID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
accountCode string
accountName string
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
taxAccountID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
taxMask long
taxAccountCode string
taxAccountName string
taxRate double Between 0-100%.
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
fundingSourceID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
code string
name string
deleted boolean


Add, update and manage general, course and program announcements.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves annnouncements.
None Announcement [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
announcementID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
associateWith string None, Course, Program
associateWithID int
associateWithDetails string
Display Until yyyy-mm-dd
pinned boolean
announcementDate yyyy-mm-dd
announcementTitle string(250)
announcement string
announcementDocumentID int
bulkEmailID int
ownerUserID int
audienceRoleMask int
locationMask long
restrictStudentStati boolean Only display announcement to select student stati.
Only populated when student role in audience.
studentStati string List of student stati to restrict announcement to. Delimited by |. Only populated when student role in audience.
deleted boolean


Add, update and manage courses.


Action Required Returns


Retrieves courses.
courseID OPTIONAL Course [ ]
Reverts completed course to an active state.
MakeCourseActiveForm [ ]
Completed a course.
CompleteCourseForm [ ]

Course Assignment

Retrieves course assignments.
courseAssignmentID OPTIONAL
CourseAssignment [ ]

Course Attendance

Retrieves course attendance events.
courseID OPTIONAL CourseEvent [ ]
Add a new course attendance event.
AddCourseAttendanceEventForm CourseEvent
Updates an existing course attendance event.
EditCourseAttendanceEventForm CourseEvent
Deletes an existing course attendance event.

Course Student

Retrieves course students.
courseID StudentCourse [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
courseID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
locationID int
locationMask long
academicYearID int
status string
courseCode string(50)
courseName string(100)
section string(50)
version int
courseDescription string
courseCapacity int
courseWeeks int
courseHours double
courseHoursScheduled double
courseCredits double
passingMark double 0-100
finalMarkType string
customGradingScaleID int When final mark is 'Custom'.
finalMarkTypeAlt string
finalMarkCalculation int
excludeFromGPA boolean
excludeFromAttendance boolean
openEnded boolean
attendanceType string
courseStart yyyy-mm-dd
courseEnd yyyy-mm-dd
selfEnrol boolean
coursePercentageGradeAverage double
courseGradePointAverage double
numEnrolled int
numCompleted int
totalTuition double
instructorOneID int
instructorOneAccess int
instructorTwoID int
instructorTwoAccess int
instructorThreeID int
instructorThreeAccess int
instructorFourID int
instructorFourAccess int
instructorFiveID int
instructorFiveAccess int
instructorSixID int
instructorSixAccess int
instructorSevenID int
instructorSevenAccess int
instructorEightID int
instructorEightAccess int
instructorNineID int
instructorNineAccess int
instructorTenID int
instructorTenAccess int
customField1-5 string(500)


Field Format Notes / Values
courseID int Required.
reenerollStudents boolean
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
courseID int Required.
note string

Course Assignment

Field Format Notes / Values
courseAssignmentID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
courseID int
courseGradeID int
courseEventID int A course event for assignment due date.
multiple int
courseAssignmentKey string
courseAssignmentOrder int
courseAssignmentName string
courseAssignmentDescription string
courseAssignmentAttachmentID string Refers to a document ID.
courseAssignmentWithDueDate boolean
courseAssignmentAllowLate boolean
courseAssignmentPlagiarismCheck boolean
courseAssignmentPlagiarismCheckStudentAccess int 0 No Access, 1 Access When Completed
courseAssignmentRestrictFileType boolean
courseAssignmentTotalNumber int
courseAssignmentSubmitted int
deleted boolean

Course Event

Field Format Notes / Values
courseEventID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
sequence int
courseID int
courseCode string
courseSection string
courseLocationMask long
eventType string 'Attendance','Assignment','Test','CollaborationMeeting','Other'
eventTypeID int
eventDate yyyy-mm-dd
eventAllDay boolean
eventStart yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
eventEnd yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
eventDescription string
identifier string
attendanceHours double
resourceID int
assignInstructor boolean
assignInstructorUserID int
restrictToInstructor boolean
assignStudent bolean
assignStudentID int


Field Format Notes / Values
courseID int Required.
eventDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
eventStart hh:mm:ss Required.
eventEnd hh:mm:ss Required.
identifier string
attendanceHours double Required.
resourceID int
assignInstructor boolean If true this attendance event will be assigned to a specific instructor.
assignInstructorUserID int Required when assignInstructor is true.
restrictToInstructor boolean if true only the assigned instructor will be able to update students for this attendance event.
assignStudent bolean If true this attendance event will be assigned to a specific student.
assignStudentID int Required when assignStudent is true.


Field Format Notes / Values
courseEventID int Required.
courseID int Required.
eventDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
eventStart hh:mm:ss Required.
eventEnd hh:mm:ss Required.
identifier string
attendanceHours double Required.
resourceID int
assignInstructor boolean If true this attendance event will be assigned to a specific instructor.
assignInstructorUserID int Required when assignInstructor is true.
restrictToInstructor boolean if true only the assigned instructor will be able to update students for this attendance event.
assignStudent bolean If true this attendance event will be assigned to a specific student.
assignStudentID int Required when assignStudent is true.


Download, upload and manage documents in your account.


Action Required Description
Retrieves document meta-data.
None Document [ ]
Retrieves document data encoded in Base64.
documentID string
Adds a new document.
Retrieves defined document tags.
None DocumentTag [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
associateWith string One of 'None','Course','Staff','Student'
associateWithID int Required when associateWith is not None.
fileName string
fileMimeType string
fileDescription string
readRoleMask int If associateWith is None, sum of role masks which can read this document.
updateRoleMask int If associateWith is None, sum of role masks which can update this document.
locationMask int If associateWith is None, sum of locations masks which can access this document.
documentData string The document data encoded in Base64


Field Format Notes / Values
documentID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
associateWith string
associateWithID int 0 (None) or the id of the associated object.
documentTagID int 0 (None) or the id of the document tag.
fileName string
fileSize double Given in kilobytes.
fileMimeType string
fileDescription string
fileExtension string
filePath string
internal boolean
ownerUserID int
readRoleMask int
updateRoleMask int
locationMask int


Field Format Notes / Values
documentTagID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
documentTag string(100)
deleted boolean


Add, edit and manage events.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves events.
None Event [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
eventID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
sequence int
Sequentially updated on change.
associateWith string None, Prospect, Student
associateWithID int 0 (None) or the id of the associated object.
associateWithStatusID int
eventType string Meeting, Phone Call In,
Phone Call Out, To Do, Other
eventDescription string
eventAllDay boolean
eventDate yyyy-mm-dd
eventStart yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
eventEnd yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
resourceID int
completed boolean
completedByUserID int
completedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
ownerUserID int
readRoleMask int For 'Other' event type.
publicEvent boolean For 'Other' event type.
locationMask int For 'Other' event type.
int For 'Meeting' event type.
deleted boolean


Add, update and manage groups.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves groups.
None Group [ ]
Retrieves group members.
groupID GroupMember [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
groupID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
groupName string(100)
groupDescription string
numMembers int
ownerUserID int
readRoleMask int
updateRoleMask int
locationMask long


Field Format Notes / Values
groupMemberID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
groupID int
studentID int


Retrieve infomation about locations.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves locations.
None Location [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
locationID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
locationMask int
status string 'Active','Disabled'
name string
contactPerson string
contactPersonPosition string
addressOne string
addressTwo string
city string
province string Province / State
postalCode string PostalCode / Zip
country string ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
phone string
fax string
email string
deleted boolean


Add, update and manage programs.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves programs.
None Program [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
programID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
status string Active, Inactive
version int
programCode string(50)
programName string(100)
programHours double
programWeeks int
programFormat string FullTime, PartTime
passingMark double 0-100
crendentialCode string(20)
credential string
finalMarkType string Percentage, LetterGrade,
GradePoint, PassFail, Custom
customGradingScaleID int When final mark is 'Custom'.
finalMarkTypeAlt string Percentage, LetterGrade,
GradePoint, PassFail, None
totalProgramCredits double
notes string


Add, update and manage prospect data.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves prospects.
None Student [ ]
Retrieves prospect notes.
studentID StudentNote [ ]
Adds a complete prospect record.
AddProspectCompleteForm Student
Enrolls a prospect as a student.
EnrollProspectForm Student


Field Format Notes / Values
locationID int Location of this student. Required.
agentID int The user ID for this student's agent.
admissionAdvisorID int The user ID for this student's admission advisor.
organizationID int The user ID of the organizatin the student is associated with.
internationalStudent boolean
feeClassCode string Must be a valid defined fee class code. If no code is provided the default is used.
studentAssignedID string Optional. Must be unique. If none provided one will automatically be generated.
image string Optional base64 encoded of image of the student.
namePrefix string Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
firstName string(50) Required.
middleName string(50)
lastName string(50)
preferredName string(50)
addressOne string(100)
addressTwo string(100)
city string(50)
province string(50) Province / State
postalCode string(25) PostalCode / Zip
country string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
permAddressOne string(100)
permAddressTwo string(100)
permCity string(100)
permProvince string(50) Province / State
permPostalCode string(25) PostalCode / Zip
permCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
phone string(50)
mobilePhoneCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
mobilePhone string(50)
workPhone string(50)
altPhone string(50)
email string(100) Required. Must be unique.
secondaryEmail string(100)
gender string Optional. 'Male','Female','NB','TG','Other'
dateofBirth yyyy-mm-dd
educationHighSchoolGraduate boolean
educationHighSchoolGraduationYear yyyy Required if educationHighSchoolGraduate is true.
educationHighSchoolName string(50)
educationHighSchoolNotes string
educationPostSecondaryOne boolean
educationPostSecondaryOneName string(50) Required if educationPostSecondaryOne is true.
educationPostSecondaryOneFrom yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryOneTo yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryOneCredential boolean
educationPostSecondaryOneCredentialType string Required if educationPostSecondaryOneCredential is true. One of 'Certificate', 'Diploma', 'Bachelors', 'Masters', 'Doctorate', 'Other'
educationPostSecondaryOneNotes string
educationPostSecondaryTwo boolean
educationPostSecondaryTwoName string(50) Required if educationPostSecondaryTwo is true.
educationPostSecondaryTwoFrom yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryTwoTo yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryTwoCredential boolean
educationPostSecondaryTwoCredentialType string(15) Required if educationPostSecondaryTwoCredential is true. One of 'Certificate', 'Diploma', 'Bachelors', 'Masters', 'Doctorate', 'Other'
educationPostSecondaryTwoNotes string
emergencyContactOne string(50)
emergencyContactOneRelationship string Required if contact one is populated. Must be one of 'Friend', 'Grandparent', 'Parent', 'Sibling', 'Signifigant Other', 'Spouse', 'Other'
emergencyContactOnePhone string(25) Required if contact one is populated.
emergencyContactOnePhoneAlt string(25)
emergencyContactTwo string(50)
emergencyContactTwoRelationship string Required if contact two is populated. Must be one of 'Friend', 'Grandparent', 'Parent', 'Sibling', 'Signifigant Other', 'Spouse', 'Other'
emergencyContactTwoPhone string(25) Required if contact two is populated.
emergencyContactTwoPhoneAlt string(25)
employer string(50)
employerContact string(25)
employerAddressOne string(100)
employerAddressTwo string(100)
employerCity string(50)
employerProvince string(50)
employerCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
employerPostalCode string(25)
employerPhone string(50)
employerEmail string(100)
employerWeb string(100)
employerPosition string(100)
employerPositionType string 'Full Time', 'Part Time'
employerStartDate date yyyy-mm-dd
employerSalary string(100)
tag string Repeat for multiple tags.
leadSourceCode string If defined, must be a valid lead source code.
interested string Repeat for multiple interested programs / courses. Must be a valid interested code.
customField1-100 Format varies by selected field type. Could be one of string, boolean or date (YYYY-MM-DD) or file. For file the format is a string containing filename;base64Data.
optedIn boolean Student has opted into receiving emails.
duplicateMerge boolean When true the prospect will be merged with any duplicate existing prospects based on email.
addEvent boolean When true a follow up event will be added for the admission advisor.


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
studentAssignedID string Automatically generated if left blank. Must be unique.
advisorID int The user ID for this student's advisor.
status string Required. Must be a valid defined status.
sendEmail boolean When true student will receive credentials by email.


Generate and download reports.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves reports.
None Report [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
reportID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
reportDocumentID int
status string None, Running, Completed, Error
lastRun yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
reportName string(100)
reportDescription text
reportJRXML string
scheduleType string None,Daily,Weekly,Monthly
scheduleWeekdays int
Bitmask Values
scheduleMonthly int 1-28
emailResults boolean
emailUserID int
emailUserTwoID int
emailCC string(500) Emails (CSV)
associateWithLinkType string None,Student
associateReportParameterID int
log text
readRoleMask int
updateRoleMask int
locationMask long


Retrieve infomation about staff.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves staff.
None Staff [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
staffID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
locationID int
locationMask long
roleMask int Mask of roles assigned.
locationAccessMask long Mask of accessible locations.
imageDocumentID int The DocumentID of the image for this staff.
If 0 then no image has been uploaded.
userID int
hourClockID int
status string Active,Not Active
namePrefix string Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
firstName string
middleName string
lastName string
gender string Male,Female
addressOne string
addressTwo string
city string
province string Province / State
postalCode string PostalCode / Zip
country string ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
phone string
altPhone string
dateofBirth yyyy-mm-dd
email string
sin string SIN / SSN / NIN
position string
sendDailyAgenda boolean
inbox int Number of unread emails in inbox.
totalHours double
customField1-30 string
deleted boolean


Add, update and manage student data.


Action Required Returns


Adds a complete student record.
AddStudentCompleteForm Student
Adds a quick student record.
AddStudentForm Student
Retrieves students.
None Student [ ]
Updates admin information for a student.
EditStudentAdministrativeForm Student
Updates basic information for a student.
EditStudentDetailsForm Student
Updates education information for a student.
EditStudentEducationForm Student
Updates emergency contacts for a student.
EditStudentEmergencyContactsForm Student
Updates employer information for a student.
EditStudentEmployerForm Student
Updates other misc information for a student.
EditStudentOtherForm Student
Adds a new status for the student.
AddStudentStatusForm StudentStatus

Student Academic Session

Retrieves list of student academic sessions.
studentID StudentAcademicSession [ ]
Registers a student into a new academic session.
AddStudentAcademicSessionForm StudentAcademicSession

Student Assignment

Retrieves list of student assignments.
studentAssignmentID OPTIONAL
courseAssignmentID OPTIONAL
StudentAssignment [ ]
Submits a student assignment.
SubmitStudentAssignmentForm StudentAssignment [ ]

Student Attendance

Retrieves list of student attendance records.
studentAttendanceID OPTIONAL
attendanceDate OPTIONAL
StudentAttendance [ ]
Adds a student attendance record.
AddStudentAttendanceForm StudentAttendance
Updates a student attendance record.
EditStudentAttendanceForm StudentAttendance
Deletes a student attendance record.
Generates an attendance report for a student encoded in Base64.
GenerateStudentAttendanceForm string

Student Course

Enrolls a student into a course.
EnrollStudentCourseForm StudentCourse
Retrieves a list of student courses for student.
studentID StudentCourse [ ]
Retrieves a specific course for student.
studentCourseID StudentCourse
Completes a student course.
CompleteStudentCourseForm StudentCourse
Reenrolls a student into a course.
ReenrollStudentCourseForm StudentCourse

Student Custom Fields

Retrieves list of student custom fields.
studentID StudentCustomFields
Updates custom fields for a student.
EditStudentCustomFieldForm StudentCustomFields

Student Program

Retrieves a list of student programs for student.
studentID StudentProgram [ ]
Retrieves a specific program for student.
studentProgramID StudentProgram
Enrolls a student into a new program.
EnrollStudentProgramForm StudentProgram
Updates details of a student program.
EditStudentProgramForm StudentProgram
Completes a student program.
CompleteStudentProgramForm StudentProgram
Withdraws a student from a program.
WithdrawStudentProgramForm StudentProgram
Reenrols a student in a withdrawn program.
ReenrollStudentProgramForm StudentProgram
Makes a program the student's primary program.
studentProgramID StudentProgram

Student Transcript

Generates a PDF transcript for the student encoded in Base64.
GenerateStudentTranscriptForm string

Student Transfer Credit

Retrieves a list of student transfer credits for student.
studentID StudentTransferCredit [ ]
Adds a new studend transfer credit.
AddStudentTransferCreditForm StudentTransferCredit
Updates an existing student transfer credit.
EditStudentTransferCreditForm StudentTransferCredit
Deletes an existing student transfer credit.


Field Format Notes / Values
locationID int Location of this student. Required.
agentID int The user ID for this student's agent.
admissionAdvisorID int The user ID for this student's admission advisor.
advisorID int The user ID for this student's advisor.
organizationID int The user ID of the organizatin the student is associated with.
internationalStudent boolean
feeClassCode string Must be a valid defined fee class code. If no code is provided the default is used.
hourClockID int The hour clock ID for this student.
studentAssignedID string Optional. Must be unique. If none provided one will automatically be generated.
status string If none provided the default status will be used.
image string Optional base64 encoded of image of the student.
namePrefix string Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
firstName string(50) Required.
middleName string(50)
lastName string(50)
preferredName string(50)
addressOne string(100)
addressTwo string(100)
city string(50)
province string(50) Province / State
postalCode string(25) PostalCode / Zip
country string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
permAddressOne string(100)
permAddressTwo string(100)
permCity string(100)
permProvince string(50) Province / State
permPostalCode string(25) PostalCode / Zip
permCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
phone string(50)
mobilePhoneCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
mobilePhone string(50)
workPhone string(50)
altPhone string(50)
email string(100) Required. Must be unique.
secondaryEmail string(100)
gender string Optional. 'Male','Female','NB','TG','Other'
dateofBirth yyyy-mm-dd
educationHighSchoolGraduate boolean
educationHighSchoolGraduationYear yyyy Required if educationHighSchoolGraduate is true.
educationHighSchoolName string(50)
educationHighSchoolNotes string
educationPostSecondaryOne boolean
educationPostSecondaryOneName string(50) Required if educationPostSecondaryOne is true.
educationPostSecondaryOneFrom yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryOneTo yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryOneCredential boolean
educationPostSecondaryOneCredentialType string Required if educationPostSecondaryOneCredential is true. One of 'Certificate', 'Diploma', 'Bachelors', 'Masters', 'Doctorate', 'Other'
educationPostSecondaryOneNotes string
educationPostSecondaryTwo boolean
educationPostSecondaryTwoName string(50) Required if educationPostSecondaryTwo is true.
educationPostSecondaryTwoFrom yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryTwoTo yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryTwoCredential boolean
educationPostSecondaryTwoCredentialType string(15) Required if educationPostSecondaryTwoCredential is true. One of 'Certificate', 'Diploma', 'Bachelors', 'Masters', 'Doctorate', 'Other'
educationPostSecondaryTwoNotes string
emergencyContactOne string(50)
emergencyContactOneRelationship string Required if contact one is populated. Must be one of 'Friend', 'Grandparent', 'Parent', 'Sibling', 'Signifigant Other', 'Spouse', 'Other'
emergencyContactOnePhone string(25) Required if contact one is populated.
emergencyContactOnePhoneAlt string(25)
emergencyContactTwo string(50)
emergencyContactTwoRelationship string Required if contact two is populated. Must be one of 'Friend', 'Grandparent', 'Parent', 'Sibling', 'Signifigant Other', 'Spouse', 'Other'
emergencyContactTwoPhone string(25) Required if contact two is populated.
emergencyContactTwoPhoneAlt string(25)
employer string(50)
employerContact string(25)
employerAddressOne string(100)
employerAddressTwo string(100)
employerCity string(50)
employerProvince string(50)
employerCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
employerPostalCode string(25)
employerPhone string(50)
employerEmail string(100)
employerWeb string(100)
employerPosition string(100)
employerPositionType string 'Full Time', 'Part Time'
employerStartDate date yyyy-mm-dd
employerSalary string(100)
tag string Repeat for multiple tags.
leadSourceCode string If defined, must be a valid lead source code.
interested string Repeat for multiple interested programs / courses. Must be a valid interested code.
customField1-100 Format varies by selected field type. Could be one of string, boolean or date (YYYY-MM-DD) or file. For file the format is a string containing filename;base64Data.
userName string Optional. Must be unique. If not present one will be generated.
userPass string Optional. If not present one will be generated.
optedIn boolean Student has opted into receiving emails.
emailLoginInfo boolean When true student will receive an email with their login credentials.


Field Format Notes / Values
namePrefix string Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
name string(150) Required.
phone string(50)
email string(100) Required. Must be unique.
dateofBirth yyyy-mm-dd
overrideStudentAssignedID boolean If true you must provide a student ID.
studentAssignedID string(100) Required if override is set to true. Must be unique.
locationID int Location of this student. Required.
status string Current status of student. If not provided the default status is used.
advisorID int The user ID for this student's advisor.
agentID int The user ID for this student's agent.
tag string Repeat for multiple tags.
leadSourceCode string
interested string The interested code for any courses or programs. Must be a valid interested code. Repeat for multiple interests.
emailLoginInfo boolean If true the student will receive an email with their login information.


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
academicSessionID int Required.
registrationDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
makeCurrent boolean When true will set this academic session as student's current session.
chargeFees int 0 No Fees, 1 Charge Account, 2 Invoice Account
accountInvoiceID int Optional. Will add fees to provided invoice.
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
studentAssignedID string Required. Must be unique.
locationIDChanged boolean
locationID int Required if locationIDChanged is true changed.
admissionAdvisorIDChanged boolean Only applicable if student type is 'Prospect'.
admissionAdvisorID int Required if admissionAdvisorIDChanged is true.
Only applicable if student type is 'Prospect'.
advisorIDChanged boolean Only applicable if student type is 'Student'.
advisorID int Required if advisorIDChanged is true.
Only applicable if student type is 'Student'.
agentIDChanged boolean
agentID int Required if agentIDChanged is true.
feeClassCodeChanged boolean
feeClassCode string Required if feeClassCodeChanged is true. Must be a valid defined fee class code.
internationalStudent boolean
hourClockID int The hour clock ID for this student.


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
customField1-100 Format varies by selected field type. Could be one of string, boolean or date (YYYY-MM-DD) or file. For file the format is a string containing filename;base64Data. Note that all custom fields are updated.


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
namePrefix string Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
firstName string(50) Required.
middleName string(50)
lastName string(50)
addressOne string(100)
addressTwo string(100)
city string(50)
province string(50) Province / State
postalCode string(25) PostalCode / Zip
country string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
permAddressOne string(100)
permAddressTwo string(100)
permCity string(100)
permProvince string(50) Province / State
permPostalCode string(25) PostalCode / Zip
permCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
phone string(50)
mobilePhoneCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code.
Required if mobile phone is present.
mobilePhone string(50)
workPhone string(50)
altPhone string(50)
email string(100) Required.
secondaryEmail string(100)
gender string Optional. 'Male','Female','NB','TG','Other'.
dateofBirth yyyy-mm-dd
sin string(25) SIN / SSN / NIN depending on country.


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
educationHighSchoolGraduate boolean
educationHighSchoolGraduationYear yyyy Required if educationHighSchoolGraduate is true.
educationHighSchoolName string(50)
educationHighSchoolNotes string
educationPostSecondaryOne boolean
educationPostSecondaryOneName string(50) Required if educationPostSecondaryOne is true.
educationPostSecondaryOneFrom yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryOneTo yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryOneCredential boolean
educationPostSecondaryOneCredentialType string Required if educationPostSecondaryOneCredential is true. One of 'Certificate', 'Diploma', 'Bachelors', 'Masters', 'Doctorate', 'Other'
educationPostSecondaryOneNotes string
educationPostSecondaryTwo boolean
educationPostSecondaryTwoName string(50) Required if educationPostSecondaryTwo is true.
educationPostSecondaryTwoFrom yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryTwoTo yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryTwoCredential boolean
educationPostSecondaryTwoCredentialType string(15) Required if educationPostSecondaryTwoCredential is true. One of 'Certificate', 'Diploma', 'Bachelors', 'Masters', 'Doctorate', 'Other'
educationPostSecondaryTwoNotes string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
emergencyContactOne string(50)
emergencyContactOneRelationship string Required if contact one is populated. Must be one of 'Friend', 'Grandparent', 'Parent', 'Sibling', 'Signifigant Other', 'Spouse', 'Other'
emergencyContactOnePhone string(25) Required if contact one is populated.
emergencyContactOnePhoneAlt string(25)
emergencyContactTwo string(50)
emergencyContactTwoRelationship string Required if contact two is populated. Must be one of 'Friend', 'Grandparent', 'Parent', 'Sibling', 'Signifigant Other', 'Spouse', 'Other'
emergencyContactTwoPhone string(25) Required if contact two is populated.
emergencyContactTwoPhoneAlt string(25)


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
employer string(50)
employerContact string(25)
employerAddressOne string(100)
employerAddressTwo string(100)
employerCity string(50)
employerProvince string(50)
employerCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
employerPostalCode string(25)
employerPhone string(50)
employerEmail string(100)
employerWeb string(100)
employerPosition string(100)
employerPositionType string If set, must be one of 'Full Time', 'Part Time'
employerStartDate date yyyy-mm-dd
employerSalary string(100)


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
leadSourceCode string If defined, must be a valid lead source code.
tag string Repeat for multiple tags.
interested string Repeat for multiple interested programs / courses. Must be a valid interested code.
expectedProgramIDChanged boolean
expectedProgramID int Required when expectedProgramIDChanged is true.
expectedProgramAcademicSessionIDChanged boolean
expectedProgramAcademicSessionID int Required when expectedProgramAcademicSessionIDChanged is true.
expectedProgramIntakeIDChanged boolean
expectedProgramIntakeID int Required when expectedProgramIntakeIDChanged is true.
expectedProgramStartDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedProgramEnrollDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedProgramEndDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedRevenue double
expectedRevenueProbability double 0-100
expectedRevenueDate yyyy-mm-dd


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
studentType string 'Prospect','Student','Public','Duplicate'.
enrollmentItemsRequired int
enrollmentItemsCompleted int
enrollmentItemsStatus string 'NA','Completed','Not Completed'
enrolledFromProspect boolean
enrolledByUserID int
enrolledDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
advisorID int UserID of the assigned student advisor.
locationID int Location of this student.
userID int UserID of this student.
hourClockID int The id of the assigned hour clock.
imageDocumentID int The DocumentID of the image for this student.
If 0 then no image has been uploaded.
imageThumbnail string Thumbnail of student image.
Base64 encoded, jpeg, 30x45.
studentAssignedID string(100)
source string API, Application,Form,Import,External Course,Public Form,Web
sourceDetails string(100) Details of the source.
namePrefix string Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
firstName string(50)
middleName string(50)
lastName string(50)
preferredName string(50)
addressOne string(100)
addressTwo string(100)
city string(50)
province string(50) Province / State
postalCode string(25) PostalCode / Zip
country string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
permAddressOne string(100)
permAddressTwo string(100)
permCity string(100)
permProvince string(50) Province / State
permPostalCode string(25) PostalCode / Zip
permCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
phone string(50)
mobilePhone string(50)
workPhone string(50)
altPhone string(50)
email string(100)
secondaryEmail string(100)
gender string
dateofBirth yyyy-mm-dd
sin string(25) SIN / SSN / NIN depending on country.
internationalStudent boolean true, false
feeClassCode string
studentLeadStageID int
leadStageKey string
leadStage string
leadStageDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
leadStageStatus string 'NA','Completed','Not Completed'
leadSourceCategoryCode string
leadSourceCode string
interested string Delimited by |
tag string Delimited by |
baseHours double
expectedProgramID int
expectedProgramAcademicSessionID int
expectedProgramIntakeID int
expectedProgramStartDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedProgramEnrollDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedProgramEndDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedRevenue double
expectedRevenueProbability double 0-100
expectedRevenueDate yyyy-mm-dd
lastContactDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastContactType string 'Email','Meeting','Phone','Sms'
lastContactTypeID int
lastContactByUserID int
educationHighSchoolGraduate boolean
educationHighSchoolGraduationYear yyyy
educationHighSchoolName string(50)
educationHighSchoolNotes string
educationPostSecondaryOne boolean
educationPostSecondaryOneName string(50)
educationPostSecondaryOneFrom yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryOneTo yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryOneCredential boolean
educationPostSecondaryOneCredentialType string(15)
educationPostSecondaryOneNotes string
educationPostSecondaryTwo boolean
educationPostSecondaryTwoName string(50)
educationPostSecondaryTwoFrom yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryTwoTo yyyy-mm-dd
educationPostSecondaryTwoCredential boolean
educationPostSecondaryTwoCredentialType string(15)
educationPostSecondaryTwoNotes string
emergencyContactOne string(50)
emergencyContactOneRelationship string(30)
emergencyContactOnePhone string(25)
emergencyContactOnePhoneAlt string(25)
emergencyContactTwo string(50)
emergencyContactTwoRelationship string(30)
emergencyContactTwoPhone string(25)
emergencyContactTwoPhoneAlt string(25)
employer string(50)
employerContact string(25)
employerAddressOne string(100)
employerAddressTwo string(100)
employerCity string(50)
employerProvince string(50)
employerCountry string(2) ISO 3166-1 2 Letter Code
employerPostalCode string(25)
employerPhone string(50)
employerEmail string(100)
employerWeb string(100)
employerPosition string(100)
employerPositionType string Full Time, Part Time
employerStartDate date yyyy-mm-dd
employerSalary string(100)
currentStatus string Current status of student.
currentStatusResult string Pending, Success, Failure
currentStatusResultDate yyyy-mm-dd
currentStatusAction string Next action to take.
currentStatusEventDate yyyy-mm-dd
currentFollowUpDate yyyy-mm-dd
currentProgramCode string
currentProgramName string
totalCreditsEarned double
percentageGradeAverage double
gradePointAverage double
avgAttendance double
optedIn boolean Student opted into receiving emails.
true, false
optedInDate yyyy-mm-dd
optedInIP string
optedInNote string
optedOut boolean Student opted out of receiving emails.
true, false
optedOutDate yyyy-mm-dd
optedOutNote string
deleted boolean

Student Custom Fields

Field Format Notes / Values
studentCustomFieldsID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
studentID int
customField1-100 Format varies by selected field type. Could be one of string, boolean or date (YYYY-MM-DD).


Field Format Notes / Values
studentAcademicSessionID int
studentID int
academicSessionID int
registeredByUserID int
registrationDate yyyy-mm-dd
registrationNote string
currentAcademicSession boolean
creditsAttempted double
creditsEarned double
percentageGradeAverage double
gradePointAverage double
letterGrade string
distinction string
courseHours double
timeclockHours double
attended int
absences int
lates int
avgAttendance double
avgAbsences double
avgLates double


Field Format Notes / Values
studentAssignmentID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
studentID int
studentGradeID int
studentGradeItemID int
courseID int
courseGradeID int
courseAssignmentID int
studentAssignmentUploaded boolean
studentAssignmentUploadedStatus string
studentAssignmentDocumentID int
studentAssignmentResubmit boolean
studentAssignmentResponse boolean
studentAssignmentResponseByUserID int
studentAssignmentResponseDocumentID int
studentAssignmentPlagiarismCheck boolean
studentAssignmentPlagiarismChecker string A code representing the plagiarism checker service used.
studentAssignmentPlagiarismCheckComplete boolean
studentAssignmentPlagiarismCheckReportPdfID String The external ID used for the report by the plagiarism checker service.
studentAssignmentPlagiarismCheckReportPdfDocumentID int
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
studentAssignmentID int Required.
studentAssignmentUploadedNotes string
documentName string Required.
documentData string The document data encoded in Base64. Required.
sendNotification boolean If true a notification of submission is sent to the student


Field Format Notes / Values
studentAttendanceID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
studentID int
courseID int
courseEventID int
studentEvaluationID int
collaborationID int
attendanceDate yyyy-mm-dd
attendanceScheduledHours double
attendancePenaltyCode string
attendancePenaltyReason string
attendancePenaltyMinutes int
attendancePenaltyLateMinutes int
attendanceHours double
present boolean
late boolean
penalty boolean
authorisedAbsence boolean
hourClockAttendance boolean
makeUpAttendance boolean
studentEvaluationAttendance boolean
collaborationAttendance boolean
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
courseID int Required.
courseEventID int Required.
attendancePenaltyCode string Required when penalty is true. Must be a code already defined.
attendancePenaltyMinutes int Required when attendancePenaltyCode is set.
attendancePenaltyLateMinutes int Required when late is true.
attendanceHours double Required.
present boolean
penalty boolean
late boolean
authorisedAbsence boolean
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentAttendanceID int Required.
attendancePenaltyCode string Required when penalty is true. Must be a code already defined.
attendancePenaltyMinutes int Required when attendancePenaltyCode is set.
attendancePenaltyLateMinutes int Required when late is true.
attendanceHours double Required.
present boolean
penalty boolean
late boolean
authorisedAbsence boolean
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
startDate yyyy-mm-dd Optional.
endDate yyyy-mm-dd Optional.
type int 1 PDF


Field Format Notes / Values
studentNoteID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
studentID int
note string
numRevisions int
deleted boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
status string Required. The new status.
note string

Student Status

Field Format Notes / Values
studentStatusID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
studentID int Required.
eventID int
status string
result string
reason string
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentCourseID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
studentID int
courseID int
enrollDate yyyy-mm-dd
startDate yyyy-mm-dd
endDate yyyy-mm-dd
selfEnrolled boolean
repeatCourse boolean
percentageGradeAverageCalculated double
gradePointAverageCalculated double
letterGradeCalculated string
passFailCalculated string
customGradeCalculated string
percentageGradeAverage double
gradePointAverage double
letterGrade string
passFail string
customGrade string
status string Advanced Standing, Completed,
Enrolled, Incomplete, Withdrawn
statusDate yyyy-mm-dd
waitlistOrder int
allGradesEntered boolean
totalGradesEntered int
totalGradesEnteredWeight double
totalGrades int
creditsEarned double
attendanceStatus string Good, Marginal, Review
totalClassesAttended int
totalClassesMissed int
totalClassesLate int
totalHoursCompleted double
totalHoursMissed double
totalHoursLate double
avgAttendance double
avgAbsences double
avgLates double
avgAttendanceOverall double
avgAbsencesOverall double
avgLatesOverall double
consecutiveAbsences int
comments string
noGrade boolean
noGradeCode string
noGradeReason string
noGradeUserID int
noGradeDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
overrideMark boolean
overrideMarkUserID int
overrideMarkDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
overrideMarkReason string
overrideAttendance double
overrideAttendanceUserID int
overrideAttendanceDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
overrideAttendanceReason string
overrideEquivalency boolean
overrideEquivalencyCourseCode string
overrideEquivalencyCourseName string
credentialAwarded boolean
credentialAwardedCode string
credentialAwardedName string
credentialAwardedDate yyyy-mm-dd
credentialAwardedByUserID int
credentialAwardedNotes string
studentCredentialID int
studentCredentialKey string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
courseID int Required.
enrollDate YYYY-MM-DD Required.
courseFeesType int 0 for 'None', 1 for 'Charge Account', 2 for 'Invoice Account'
accountInvoiceID int If 'Invoice Account', the course fees will be added to this invoice.
If not provided a new invoice will be created.
repeatCourse boolean
autoComplete int 0 for 'None', 1 for 'Complete By Course Weeks', 2 for 'Complete by Manual Date'
autoCompleteDate yyyy-mm-dd Required when autoComplete is 2.
enrollInExternal boolean The student will be enrolled in the linked external course.
skipNotifications boolean If 'true', enroll notifications won't be sent to students or instructors.
optOutNotifications boolean If 'true', the student will not receive any course notifications.
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentCourseID int Required.
markAsIncomplete boolean The course will be completed for administrative purposes but will be marked as incomplete.
completedDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
credentialAction int Only available when the course has a credential associated with it.
0 Auto Award / Not Award Credential
1 Award Credential
2 Don't Award Credential
completeExternal boolean if true, the student will be completed in the linked external course.
skipNotifications boolean If true, completed notifications won't be sent to students or instructors.
notes string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentCourseID int Required.
enrollDate YYYY-MM-DD Required.
reenrollExternal boolean The student will be reenrolled in the linked external course.
skipNotifications boolean If 'true', enroll notifications won't be sent to students or instructors.
optOutNotifications boolean If 'true', the student will not receive any course notifications.
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentProgramID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
studentID int
programID int
startingAcademicSessionID int
programIntakeID int
programEnrollDate yyyy-mm-dd
programStartDate yyyy-mm-dd
expectedEndDate yyyy-mm-dd
percentageGradeAverageCalculated double
gradePointAverageCalculated double
letterGradeCalculated string
passFailCalculated string
customGradeCalculated string
percentageGradeAverage double
gradePointAverage double
letterGrade string
passFail string
customGrade string
distinction string
totalCreditsEarned double
totalCreditsEarnedPercentage double
totalHoursCompleted double
totalHoursCompletedPercentage double
totalHoursMissed double
totalHoursMissedPercentage double
totalHoursLate double
totalHoursLatePercentage double
status string Enrolled,Completed,Withdrawn
statusDate yyyy-mm-dd
statusReasonCode string
statusReason string
subStatus string
credentialStatusCode string
credentialAwardedCode string
credentialAwarded string
credentialAwardedDate yyyy-mm-dd
credentialAwardedByUserID int
credentialAwardedNote string
primaryProgram boolean
avgAttendanceCalculated double
avgAbsencesCalculated double
avgLatesCalculated double
avgAttendance double
avgAbsences double
avgLates double
avgAttendanceOverall double
avgAbsencesOverall double
avgLatesOverall double
overrideFinal boolean
overrideFinalDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
overrideFinalUserID int
overrideFinalReason string
overrideAttendance double
overrideAttendanceDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
overrideAttendanceUserID int
overrideAttendanceReason string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
programID int Required.
academicSessionID int Required. Student will automatically be registered if not registered.
programIntakeID int
programEnrollDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
programStartDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
expectedEndDate yyyy-mm-dd
subStatus string
primary boolean When true this program will be student's primary program.
chargeFees int Required. '0' No Fees, '1' Charge Fees, '2' Invoice Fees
accountInvoiceID int Will add fees to selected invoices. 'chargeFees' must be 2.


Field Format Notes / Values
studentProgramID int Required.
academicSessionIDChanged boolean
academicSessionID int Required when changed.
programIntakeIDChanged boolean
programIntakeID int Required when changed.
programEnrollDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
programStartDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
expectedEndDate yyyy-mm-dd
subStatusChanged boolean
subStatus string Required when changed.
subStatusDate yyyy-mm-dd Required when changed.
subStatusNote string
primary boolean When true this program will be student's primary program.


Field Format Notes / Values
studentProgramID int Required.
overrideFinal boolean
overrideFinalMark double Required for override. Between 0-100.
overrideFinalReason string
overrideAttendance boolean
overrideAttendanceAmount double Required for override. Between 0-100.
overrideAttendanceLateAmount double Required for override. Between 0-100.
overrideAttendanceReason string
awardCredential boolean
completedDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
subStatus string
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentProgramID int Required.
withdrawType int Required. '1' Withdraw, '2' Remove Program from Record
withdrawDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
withdrawCode string Required. Must match defined withdrawn codes.
subStatus string
reverseFees int Required. '0' No, '1' Reverse Charges, '2' Reverse Invoice
accountChargeID[] int[] The charges to reverse. Required when reversing charges.
accountInvoiceID int The invoice to reverse. Required when reversing invoice.
note string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentProgramID int Required.
subStatus string
primary boolean When true this program will be student's primary program.


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
issueDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
transcriptTemplateID int Required.
programID int List of program summaries which will appear on the transcript. Repeat parameter for each program.
restrictToProgram boolean If true, only courses in the provided programIDs will be shown. You must provide at least one programID. Cumulative and sessional averages will be disabled.
skipEmptySessions boolean


Field Format Notes / Values
studentTransferCreditID int Required.
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
studentID int
courseCode string The course code in ampEducator.
courseName string The course name in ampEducator.
courseCredits double
prevCourseCode string The course code being transferred.
prevCourseName string The course name being transferred.
prevInstitution string
prevSession string
transferDate yyyy-mm-dd
notes string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentID int Required.
courseCode string Required. The course code in ampEducator.
courseName string Required. The course name in ampEducator.
courseCredits double Required.
prevCourseCode string Required. The course code being transferred.
prevCourseName string Required. The course name being transferred.
prevInstitution string Required. The name of institution being transferred from.
prevSession string
transferDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
notes string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentTransferCreditID int Required.
courseCode string Required. The course code in ampEducator.
courseName string Required. The course name in ampEducator.
courseCredits double Required.
prevCourseCode string Required. The course code being transferred.
prevCourseName string Required. The course name being transferred.
prevInstitution string Required. The name of institution being transferred from.
prevSession string
transferDate yyyy-mm-dd Required.
notes string


Field Format Notes / Values
studentTransferCreditID int Required.


Add, update and manage templates.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves templates.
None Template [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
templateID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
pdfTemplateID int
templateSize string Letter, Legal, A4, Custom
customWidth double With 'Custom' template size. In inches.
customHeight double With 'Custom' template size. In inches.
templateTitle string(100) Required.
templateDescription text
template text
ownerUserID int
readRoleMask int
updateRoleMask int
locationMask long


Add, update and manage transcript templates.


Action Required Returns
Retrieves transcript templates.
None TranscriptTemplate [ ]


Field Format Notes / Values
transcriptTemplateID int
createdDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
createdByUserID int
lastModifiedDateTime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
lastModifiedByUserID int
transcriptTemplate String
transcriptDescription string
transcriptType string Complete All Courses
Current Only Current Enrolled Courses
summaryMarkType string
summaryMarkTypeAlt string
summaryShowAcademicSessions boolean
summaryShowOverallTotals boolean
summaryShowDistinctions boolean
summaryShowCourseCredits boolean
summaryShowCourseHours boolean
summaryShowAbsences boolean
summaryShowAverageAttendance boolean
summaryShowLates boolean
summaryShowAverageLates boolean
showCoursesWithdrawn boolean
showCoursesAdvancedStanding boolean
overrideIncomplete boolean
overrideIncompleteText string
overrideFailed boolean
overrideFailedText string
overrideWithdrawn boolean
overrideWithdrawnText string
overrideActive boolean
overrideActiveText string
indicateRepeat boolean
indicateRepeatText string
showAcademicSessionTitles boolean
showProgramMark boolean
showProgramLength boolean
showProgramStatus boolean
showProgramSubStatus boolean
showProgramStart boolean
showProgramExpectedEnd boolean
showProgramCredential boolean
showTransferCredits boolean
showGradingKey boolean
showCertification boolean
transcriptTitle string
programInfoTitle string
transferCreditsTitle string
coursesTitle string
gradingKeyTitle string
certificationTitle string
orientation int 0 Portrait
1 Landscape
displayOrder int 0 Ascending
1 Descending
pdfTemplateID int
marginTop double
marginBottom double
marginLeft double
marginRight double
header double
font string
fontSize double
printPageNumber boolean
printIssueDate boolean
printInstitutionName boolean
printLocationName boolean
printLocationAddress boolean
printStudentID boolean
printStudentIDLabel string
printStudentName boolean
printStudentNameLabel string
printStudentAddress boolean
printStudentAddressLabel string
printStudentTimeclockHours boolean
printStudentTimeclockHoursLabel string
printStudentSIN boolean
printStudentSINLabel string
printStudentDOB boolean
printStudentDOBLabel string
printStudentCustomFieldLabels boolean
printStudentCustomFieldIDs string
printCourseStatus boolean
printCourseCode boolean
printCourseStart boolean
printCourseEnd boolean
printCourseHours boolean
printCourseCredits boolean
printCourseInstructors boolean
printStudentCourseFinalMarkAlt boolean
printStudentCourseAbsences boolean
printStudentCourseAverageAttendance boolean
printStudentCourseLates boolean
printStudentCourseAverageLates boolean
printStudentCourseHours boolean
printStudentCourseStatus boolean
printStudentCourseComments boolean
printStudentCourseGradesEnteredWeight boolean
printStudentCourseFinalMarkHeader string
certifiedBy string
certifiedByPosition string
certifiedBySignature int 0 Manual Signature
1 Auto Generated Signature
2 Uploaded Signature
certifiedBySignatureDocumentID int
certificationNotes string
gradingKey string
printTimeStamp boolean
printUserInitials boolean
deleted boolean


ampEducator provides webhooks for a variety of events.

Before You Begin

In order to start using the Webhooks you must enable it under the institution config and create webhooks for the events you need.

Webhook URL Validation

When you add a new webhook you must validate the URL in order to confirm ownership. In order to do this ampEducator will post a validation request to the webhook URL in the following format:

    "challenge" : "{challengeKey}",
    "type" : "urlVerification" 

The endpoint must return the challenge key in the following format in order to validate.

Content-type: application/json
    "challenge" : "{challengeKey}",

Webhook Post Format

The webhook post format is always the same but the data posted depends on the the webhook type. The format of the webhook is:

    "webhookKey" : {Unique Key per Webhook},
    "notificationKey" : {Unique Key per Notification},
    "date" : {DateTime UTC},
    "type" : {Webhook Type},
    "dataSignature" : {Base64 encoded HMAC256 Hash of Data},
    "data" : {Data}

The {Data} is a JSON object. It is one of the following object types:

  • Prospect / ... Returns Student
  • Prospect Lead Stage / ... Returns StudentLeadStage
  • Student / ... Returns Student
  • Student Course / ... Returns StudentCourse
  • Student Program / ... Returns StudentProgram
  • Student Status / ... Returns StudentStatus
  • Student Transfer Credit / ... Returns StudentTransferCredit
  • Student User / ... Returns User

Webhook Data Signature

The {Data} portion of the notification is used to generate an HMAC256 hash using the secret key under institution config. You can use this key to validate that the data is from ampEducator.

  • The secret key in ampEducator is a 256 byte key encoded using Base64.
  • The data signature in the webhook notification is also encoded using Base64.