This website and the ampEducator 'Service' software platform is working towards meeting WCAG 2.1, the current global web accessibility standard. We have taken steps to ensure our website and 'Service' software is accessible. We do not warrant or guarantee it meets all current standards.

In addition to any steps that we take to make the website and 'Service' software accessible to everyone; many people are likely to get the most accessible experience of using this site by customising their computer to suit their individual needs. For example: to get the site read to them, to change its colour scheme, or increase the size of its fonts.

If you find anything on the site difficult to use please let us know by emailing and provide the information advised in 'Contacting Organisations about Inaccessible Websites' ( in your request and especially as outlined in the section 'Describe the Problem' (

At a minimum, please try to include the following information in your email to us:

  1. The URL or section name for the page / area you are having problems accessing.
  2. Details about what you were trying to do, and why it was difficult or impossible to do it.
  3. Details about your computer and software. Include:
    1. the operating system you are using
    2. and the version; for example, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, or Linux Ubuntu 9.10
    3. the browser software you use to view the Web, and the version; for example, Internet Explorer 6 (IE 6), Firefox 3.5, Chrome, Opera 10, Safari 4.0.4, etc.

If it is related to the problem you are experiencing, also include:

  1. any settings you have customized; for example, I set the Font Size to Largest in my browser any assistive technology that you use; for example, screen reader, screen magnification software, voice recognition software for input

All constructive feedback regarding the accessibility or usability of this website and the 'Service' is welcome and will be carefully considered.